Life Stories
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The violence in Guadeloupe has recently been mentioned. However, since 2012, it has been denounced, and some speak of “the most violent department of France”. The expression was used for the first time by one of the prefects of Guadeloupe. On the other hand, there is little question of violence against women or damage to children and the consequences of acts in families while violence against women is the regular information of the various facts section of the local newspaper France Caribbean. The Society of Guadeloupe was given birth in violence and to this day it is subjected to the different forms of modernity. The relationship between women and men is subject to this contemporaneity. The history of women and their emancipation enabled and helped to promote their presence and involvement in the various strata of society. Violence is a public health problem in Guadeloupe, it perspires from the walls, rises on its shoulders and anchors to the Earth. And this violence installs the woman in probationary living conditions: the reprieve. At the end of the fifty-two weeks of the year, a book will be published with the contributions of Subscribers. In addition, a contest will be held with the subscribers, reward the best participation and the winner will receive a gain related to self-discovery.
From whom I am the name...
“From whom I am the name… “is a very beautiful book title. This title explores the deep of self-memory and allows to bind to the world, to society and to oneself. In doing so, knowing that one retains from his ancestors, from his parents to become and to be built remains important for the carrier or the bearer of the name.
At the end of the fifty-two weeks of the year, a book will be published with the contributions of Subscribers. In addition, a contest will be held with the subscribers, reward the best participation and the winner will receive a gain related to self-discovery.
Doudou an Mwen
“Doudou an Mwen” is the objectification of anyone…
Securing, which is everywhere strolling, confidant of the very small, the Blankie is the indispensable companion of the infant from birth and for several years. Inseparable especially at bedtime, he saw the joys, sorrows, Angers and moments of tenderness of the child. The latter attributes to the object a particular affective value which allows it to soften the temporary separation of with its mother. As an adult, Doudou becomes the expression to signify the desired person or even loved.
Also, some use Doudou to exotist their relationship with the distant women coming from foreign countries and formerly colonized by the European powers.
“Doudou an Mwen” questions the object to better identify the loved one to the feminine as to the masculine.
At the end of the fifty-two weeks of the year, a book will be published with the contributions of Subscribers. In addition, a contest will be held with the subscribers, reward the best participation and the winner will receive a gain related to self-discovery.
The shadow of the other
“The Declaration of Love is the passage of chance to fate, and that is why it is so perilous,” says the philosopher Alain Badiou and adds: “Love is not strictly speaking a possibility, but rather the crossing of something that could Appear as impossible. »
What’s behind The impossible love? of admiration, of need, of pain, of love, of tenderness, of compassion for the other, of emotional dependence?
Since the dawn of time, the stories of impossible love have nourished our daily lives.
The great literary and artistic successes succumb to the pain of impossible loves, those which fail or which simply will never take place, except in our imagination.
“Romeo and Juliet,” “La Celestine”, “Princess Bride”, “Don Juan Tenorio”, or “the sufferings of young Werther”, are some of the great literary successes that we all remember, which base their history on the love and dislove of young Préde Stinés not to be together.
Fairy tales, Disney movies with their eternal love, and soap operas with rose water with hundreds of twists and turns that always end well, led us to believe that love is all-powerful, and that everything always ends well.
Yet not all love is possible, an impossible love is really exhausting, disturbing and destructive.
The shadow of the other is a rubric devoted to the amorous possibilities and fields of impossible, imaginary or real love…
The blue that signals an access or a parking place is the most recognized color of disabled people and valid people. However all handicaps do not require a wheelchair. Disability can be physical, sensory, mental or intellectual, sometimes visible, sometimes invisible. It involves partial or total impairment of motor skills, consolidates the difficulties associated with sensory organs, limits in the speed of mental functions in terms of comprehension, knowledge and cognition.
Incommodum is a reading of the moments, the reality, the discreet and silent daily lives of many people with disabilities and confront each other with a little compassionate entourage. Incommodun questions the difference, visible or hidden.
At the end of the fifty-two weeks of the year, a book will be published with the contributions of Subscribers. In addition, a contest will be held with the subscribers, reward the best participation and the winner will receive a gain related to photography or image or travel for people with disabilities.

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